Rebecca Heuter-Kasowicz
1 min readMay 2, 2020

This is how I became powerful… I shut my mouth. I did not let emotions out until I vetted them.

I am discerning. I have forgotten what I’ve been asked not to know. I have let him tell on himself. I have taken in more than I let out.

A rough day, but doable. I wanted to get more done at work, but ran out of time. I wanted to get more stuff moved, but ran out of space and time and energy, all three. I wanted to find a place to live, but fast running out of resources and networks.

I didn’t want to be powerful today.

Rebecca Heuter-Kasowicz

ADHD atheist mom, narcissistic marriage escapee, gymnastics coach, equine owner. Fave topics are neuroscience, addiction, education, psychology, politics, law