As an atheist, I really appreciate this post. I struggle with keeping an open heart towards those who are leaders and followers of christianity because of these very issues.
(Watch what happens here with this reply- it shows exactly this struggle. I start out wanting to share what I've learned or have encountered and with no hostility or animosity. But it doesn't end that way. It is so hard to not get upset with christians as a whole when answers are not only unhelpful but actively harmful...)
I wasn't raised with religion or any supernatural beliefs (other than those dis-spelled in early childhood), and so when I ask questions, I'm asking "in good faith", lol. And it gets difficult to not get exasperated when I get obtuse and confounding answers. Where do you go with a comment such as 'god works in mysterious ways'? Good thing I didn't believe that while in the throes of my last depressive episode, because I may also have believed that the pain and suffering I was experiencing at that time was my lot in life... instead I sought information and educated myself and have learned many useful and healthy coping mechanisms for my level of depression.
I am an adult who was raised to enjoy intellectual pursuit, so I have the experience of age and have developed a discerning eye. But some days, the feeling of defeat is so overwhelming, that it becomes hard to function.
What about the teenager who is struggling with a mental health issue and is asking these questions? Where do they go after they ask these questions of their faith leaders and get turned away with no more knowledge then when they first asked? What do they do when they can't trust in an invisible being that they are told loves them and can do all things and has a plan for them? What do they do when they are told that their very essence is a sin against this invisible power?
Phew... it's so hard not to get riled up.
Instead, I will say Dan, thank you for being willing to have these conversations.