Rebecca Heuter-Kasowicz
1 min readMay 14, 2020
Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash


New came by the other day. He stayed a while. He snaked my drain. Literally, I mean, my plumbing was clogged…

He stopped again the next night. And again the night after that… New is lots o’ fun, but cautious- and thank goodness for that. I didn’t want New, I have enough new already. What with standing on my own two feet for the first time ever and maneuvering this life and all, you know? Two teenage kids in tow, to boot!

Rebecca Heuter-Kasowicz

ADHD atheist mom, narcissistic marriage escapee, gymnastics coach, equine owner. Fave topics are neuroscience, addiction, education, psychology, politics, law