Rebecca Heuter-Kasowicz
2 min readAug 25, 2020
Photo by phil sheldon ABIPP on Unsplash

Hi tToMM,

Here is the Truth of My Moment. Today was a jumble, all parts of my life bumping into each other, overlapping in spots.

Here’s what I’m running into… or, who, rather: my broken self. I do react wildly. I think I’m trying to say it’s taking everything in me to keep going right now. I’m doing the best I can.

I see your point. But then again, my perspective is different. Absent the bullshit, my wild offspring were choosing the…

Rebecca Heuter-Kasowicz

ADHD atheist mom, narcissistic marriage escapee, gymnastics coach, equine owner. Fave topics are neuroscience, addiction, education, psychology, politics, law