Member-only story
Can I Tell You A Love Story: Shh, Be Here 14
Good fortune in love and sex
Borders on the obnoxious, this good fortune. I dare say, if I didn’t experience the extreme on the other end, I would not be able to fully appreciate his care and attention, his love.
Two thoughts here, but they converge. One is this: to grow- to be more- is a goal, yes? The other: How do we know when we’ve reached that target?
Yes to the first, I want more. I strive to grow, turn my face to the sun, become more me. I want the same for you and for Us. To grow, to face the light together, become a stronger and more loving Us.
But there seems to be no single target.
“It’s complicated!” I say.
Shh. This is not complicated.
“But how do we know if we’re heading in the right direction?” See, I’m trying to pin this down and figure out how to make love stay…
Shh. Be here. I am here. It’s all good. Here, let me show you…
Fine. Fine is the word I hear we women use when things are definitely not. But they are and I don’t want to admit he’s right out loud because it’s more fun to pretend.
There’s work that happens here, too- We require regular maintenance (requisite for all We’s, always, I’m guessing)…