I love the idea of 5 keys, thank you for this article!
The one that stuck out for me was the 5th one, in that I think is a neat idea but maybe with a caveat?
My vision of what I want for my children is all fine and dandy, but my children have other ideas about who they are going to be. Both are teenagers, and both have taught me that I need to let them lead the way and define success for themselves.
As a broad concept, it's a great key but sometimes us parents tend toward the 'follow in my footsteps' type of parenting... And that can be devastating for relationships.
I'm so grateful for all the learning and experience I gained from coaching competitive and recreational youth gymnastics for ten years... It gave me the courage and wherewithal to allow my children (my daughter especially) to lead the way.
The traditional (ie. acceptable) parenting tactics were wrecking the relationship I have with my daughter. I had to let go of what I wanted for her so that she could be free to discover what she wants for herself.
I've seen some parent-child relationships fall apart, but it was always so heartbreaking to see it happen when parents couldn't let go of what they wanted their children to be and accomplish.