My sister just found out she has epilepsy... her first actual full blown seizure occurred while driving. Luckily, her 15 yo son was with her and had the wherewithal to get to the wheel and brake pedal and got them both safely pulled over.
So, she asked our Trump-supporting cousin, who had done some ancestry work with the family tree, if he had any info about medical issues... he replied with a "You wanted me out of your life, I have nothing for you."
She had, indeed, made a post saying she wanted to cut Trump supporters from her life.
What a sucky situation.
Yup, she started it... but I also know if she were asked to help this same cousin, she wouldn't hesitate to do so. She has, in fact, done that already with others in the family who don't share her views.
For him, she is no longer even considered family... or even considered at all.