Thank you for this! I struggle with naming my feelings for my partner directly and just recently got to the point that I'm comfortable telling my boyfriend that I love him out loud.
He also has a hard time with this declaration, but the other day, I caught him staring after me, his whole self pent up waiting for me to say something before I got in my car and left. I searched his face and after a moment, I simply said, "I love you". His shoulders relaxed, he smiled, and with genuine comfort said, "I love you, too".
Here's the funny thing, and what prompted me to comment... not too long ago, he and I were laying in bed and I looked over at him and thought to myself, wow, he really is such a handsome man. And I almost told him so... but I didn't! I didn't give him the compliment that I truly was thinking because I know he wouldn't believe it!
You helped me to see that whether or not he (currently) believes it is not for me to worry about. I see it. And I want to tell him, hey, you know this thing you don't believe about yourself? well, I believe it and I'm going to let you know.
I've thought it several times before and since that evening... so, cheer me on for the next time a complimentary thought about a part of my SO he might be insecure about crosses my mind- that the truth of my belief comes out of my mouth and also comes across as intended!
Thank you again for this beautiful piece!